St Martin's Whole School Curriculum

Our whole school curriculum is designed to shape the ‘whole’ student across their seven-year journey. Our traditional values are founded on Be Kind, Be Safe, Be Responsible, encouraging all students to be respectful and tolerant citizens, as well as courageous advocates of the future.

Learning for the future is underpinned by THRIVE.  Each element forms part of our character education, providing students with the skills, values and attributes not just for school life but for adult life as well.

Outstanding personal achievement represents our commitment to ensuring each student is enabled to be the best they can be. What ’the best’ looks like will vary for each student. Examination results are important and will unlock different pathways for students going forward. However, we recognise our responsibility to deliver ‘beyond the curriculum.’ Here, St Martin’s excels, offering the widest range of extra-curricular activities in the area.

In line with national expectations, students experience a broad and balanced curriculum; with our intention being for each student to foster a love of learning, as well as nurture and develop a range of skills, interests and aptitudes.

As such, students leave us as well equipped, responsible and extremely well-rounded young people, who are able to choose their own future and make a positive difference in the world. 


 The school’s strong commitment to inclusion and pastoral support means we have a range of provision to support all students’ needs to ensure they access the curriculum and all the school has to offer.  Students who have Special Educational Needs, who require additional help and support, have personalised plans to ensure they can fully access their learning.  St Martin’s provides these students with targeted support using a variety of resources within school whilst working closely with external third parties and agencies.  We are committed to ensuring all our students have full access to everything on offer at St Martin’s including an extensive extracurricular provision.  There are a plethora of trips and visits which enables our students to broaden their horizons beyond the classroom, developing their social skills and cultural awareness.

St Martin’s is able to access pupil premium funding to ensure that no child is deprived of theses life enriching experiences.  Alongside this, the school’s extensive extracurricular programme further enhances every student’s own personal school journey with sports clubs and fixtures, drama clubs, shows, music clubs and concerts to name a few.  Many learners follow the EBacc pathway providing a broad and balanced curriculum; however, we also tailor our curriculum, to ensure we meet students’ needs. 

As a school we place huge importance on social and emotional aspects of learning and understand that this can be a barrier to learning that needs rapid interventions.  Students benefit from a range of support mechanisms such as the Risk Avert Programme, anxiety groups, commissioned counselling and parenting courses.