Key Stage 4 Option Choices

Key Stage 4 option choices are the next important step in your child's education at St Martin's School.

The decisions made over the coming weeks are important.  We want to support you and your child in making informed choices regarding GCSE/BTEC courses.  We want you to feel confident that you have all the necessary information and support to make this process as easy as possible. Underpinned by our core values: Traditional Values, Learning for the Future, and Outstanding Personal Achievement, we endeavour for your child to continue to flourish and be The Best They Can Be.

Next Steps:
  • Monday 3 February Year 9 pupil 'Drop Down' - an introduction to the Options process.
  • Year 9 Options Evening Thursday 6 February, X group 16:00 - 17:00 / Y group 17:15 - 18:15, for parents and carers to attend along with their child.
  • Complete the online form, deadline for submitting is Monday 3 March 2025.
  • July 2025 Option subjects will be confirmed to pupils and parents/carers.

If you need further support or have questions, please use our email address: